U.S. Focus

Compassion Medicine was founded through the identification of medical needs of children in third-world countries many years ago. Our work has involved helping children in these poverty-stricken countries who have life-threatening, debilitating medical conditions get the care they need as their access and economic limitations prevented them from such care. We have seen many children helped through the efforts of Compassion Medicine, their volunteers, healthcare professionals, medical institutions, and financial supporters that have contributed to over the years to this worthy effort. The United States, although an economically advantaged first-world country with many assistance programs for various populations, also has some gaps in care and support that have been identified. Some of the biggest needs that have been identified are those of the growing population of senior citizens, adults/children with debilitating medical conditions such as dementia, ALS. MS, etc. and those who are at the end of life (hospice).

Although there are some assistance/support programs available, they are limited and many do not qualify for such assistance. These “gaps” or needs are where Compassion Medicine would like to focus in the United States. We appreciate all the support our efforts have been given for our work in the third-world countries and hope that our partners will also see the great needs that exist here in the United States and continue to support our efforts. Compassion Medicine is now truly a Global organization, constantly identifying who is at highest risk, has the lowest access to care/support, and can be reached to obtain a more positive outcome and quality of life. Join us in our efforts by supporting us! We need your prayers and financial support as we seek to reach all that are in need and have “fallen through the cracks” of society and are waiting for the care and support they need.

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